Bryant Park

A contractor in New York outsourced his Hard scape, soft scape, and sprinkle system estimating needs to our #1 landscape estimation and takeoff company in the USA. Our certified landscaping estimators carefully reviewed the drawing plans and specifications to understand the requirements of the project. We also held a meeting with the contractor to confirm the scope of work and know his expectations.
Scope of Work We Estimated
We use the latest landscape estimating software to calculate the quantities of materials and labor required for:
Hardscape Estimating: Pavers & Stones, Concrete, Retaining Walls, Gravel & Sand, Edging & Curbing, Site Preparation & Excavation, and more.
Softscape Estimating: Plants, Soil & Mulch, Fertilizers & Soil Amendments, Irrigation Systems, Weed Barriers, and more
Sprinkle System Estimates: Sprinkler Heads, Pipes & Tubing, Valves & Controllers, Backflow Preventers, Drip Irrigation.
Labor Hours and Rates: Total labor working hours and their local rates.
We prepared a Bill of Materials for Hard scaping, Soft scaping, and sprinkle systems and added zip code-based material costs per unit. We provided a bid-ready cost estimate to the contractor in the fastest turnaround time of 10 hours. The contractors submitted the most competitive bid and won the contract.
He used our estimates for material sourcing, budget planning, resource allocation, and project cost management. If you need bid-winning landscaping estimating within the 8 to 24 hours, hire our online estimators. Upload plans or call us now!